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Write to us for personalized travel advice or for information on group travel and last minute travel, all travel is insured and safe.

    Dhaka Office


    Room# 704-B, 6th Floor Mahabub Plaza, 4/A Indira Rd, Dhaka 1215

    Give us a call

    Hotline: +8801958543543
    Visa: +8801958543546
    Reservation: +8801958543541
    Other: +8801958543542

    Write for anything

    Visa: visa@vebd.net
    Reservation: rsvn@vebd.net
    Support: support@vebd.net

    Dubai Office


    Centre - Center - 301, Coastal Building - 22nd
    St - beside Al Twar - Al Qusais - Al Qusais 2 -
    Dubai - United Arab Emirates

    Give us a call

    Phone: +971505718332

    Write for anything

    Visa: visa@vebd.net
    Reservation: rsvn@vebd.net
    Support: support@vebd.net

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    Our Contacts


    Room# 704-B, 6th Floor Mahabub Plaza, 4/A Indira Rd, Dhaka 1215


    Visa: visa@vebd.net

    Reservation: rsvn@vebd.net

    Support: support@vebd.net


    Hotline: +8801958543543

    Reservation: +8801958543541

    Other: +8801958543542

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